Monday, February 22, 2010

Time to be an AWESOME mom!

Who has time for anything anymore? I have to admit that my world seems to be spinning out of control. I am a wife, mother, young women leader, an organist, a co-owner of a business, a visiting teacher, hair stylist, school volunteer, and so much more. There is so much to do and I am pulled in so many directions. Who said my life has to be this way? I completely understand that this is all my own doing though. I tell myself that I can do it all. Each task separately sounds fun and is something I feel like I could do well. Then they are all lumped together into my crazy life and I find myself not feeling to happy about it. So I have decided it was time for a BIG change!
Yesterday I was praying hard to be close to the spirit, so that I could get a few answers to some of my concerns. It wasn't the answer that I wanted or was even praying about, but I felt strongly that I need to quit doing hair and become the AWESOME stay-at-home MOM that I want to be! I have cried about this a lot because I LOVE doing hair. Seriously, I will miss it A LOT!! However, it is not my #1 priority. I want to create a peaceful and loving environment for my family. Right now it is just to caotic! I am always in a hurry, not very patient, throwing something together for dinner and rarely clean my house. Sometimes I feel like I am just running on fumes. I want to help the kids with their chores, homework, and piano practicing and talk to them about their days and see what they have in their back packs right when they come home from school! I want to quit saying, "Not right now" or "In a minute."
I want my husband and kids to FEEL and KNOW that they are my #1 priority! My marriage is good, but can't it always be better??? What husband wouldn't love to spend more time on the couch with his wife rather than taking care of the kids, doing the dishes, laundry, or cooking dinner because his wife is so busy? My kids need me right now too! They are growing up and I want to have a close relationship with each one. My moms always tells me to enjoy my kids because they'll be grown up before I know it, and I don't want to miss it!
I understand that some women have to work and be the best mom they can be, but right now my husband has a good job that can support our family. Now that we are out of school, I really want to live on what my husband makes, even if that means cutting out a few things. It's a leap of faith, but I know I will be blessed as I put my family first in my life! Thank you all for your LOVE and SUPPORT! My last day will be April 30.


Hi I'm Lindsey! said...

You are amazing! I'm so sad for everyone that will be loosing you as their hair stylist, but I'm SO HAPPY for you. Thanks for being such a great example. It was a great reminder of cherishing these moments.

Natalie said...

Good for you Em. I totally get how you feel and am also looking forward to quitting this year. This is a great example of sacrafice-giving up something good for something better.

Janae said...

Thanks for reminding me. It's so hard to give up something you love!! But so worth it for your kids. I always remember how my mom would make sure she was home when we got home from school and how she attended all my recitals and practiced with me, etc! As a kid you don't forget those things, which are the most important anyway. I've been struggling w/ the same--there's just too much to do! Good luck with it all. :)

Jerry and Sarah said...

I saw your blog link on fb. I'm glad I'm not the only mom that feels that way. And I'm not even working. It is so hard to fit everything in. Good luck & I'm happy for you!
(Now that I know you have a blog I get to come and catch up on your life!!)

Goodman Family said...

My family will miss you! But how awesome of you to realize what you need in your life. Your post inspired me to be more involved with my kids. Best of luck to you guys!!!

Brizzee said...

I totally know how you feel. I had to go through the same thing when I decided to give up on nails. It is so hard to give up the hobby that you love that also pays you but you do have to think to yourself "Is this really worth it." You are awesome and you will see how much less stressful it is when you don't have so many things to jugle. I know I did.

Tyson and Denise said...

I couldn't believe it when I heard this news. After a brief moment of mourning (for me and my boys....sniff..sniff...sniff) I realized how totally amazing you are for being able to do this. I am so impressed that you are following through on a prompting, full of faith, knowing that even though it isn't what you wanted, it will be exactly what you need. You are the greatest!

Bonna said...

I saw your like on Facebook too! I am so proud of you for following the guidance of the Spirit! Those decisions are never easy and your decision will require alot of changes, but your family will be so blessed! You are amazing :)

Laurie said...

Good for you Emily! Love ya much!

Heather Williams said...

Emily! Yay, that was such a great post, you are such a great mom and I can tell you really really care about your family because of what you just wrote. Your concerned for them and you want to be there for them. THough I am extremely sad that you're quiting your "hair business" (even though i live in washington) I'm sure it will be such a relief to not have that to worry about. Oh by the way, you'll be probably be disgusted by this, but I haven't done anything to my hair since the last time you cut and colored it!!!Since August! Can you believe me? I'm too afraid to ask someone here and their prices are out of the roof compared to your awesome deal. I miss you guys a lot and hope to be able to see you again sooner than later.

heather williams

Leann Nelson said...

What a hard decision but i am sure you will love the time with your family! Thank you for your example to me in keeping things prioritizing!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! It's hard to balance everything! I'm glad we can ask our Father in Heaven to help us know how :) Good Luck!!!

Claireese said...

Of course I am sad, sad, sad, but I am so excited for you!! I will be sure to come have a final cut before time runs out!!

Nat-a-baby said...

Way to go Emily. I hope you will find added happiness in your decision. I know all your clients will miss you.

Leslie said...

I struggle with those feelings can I be a better Mom, wife, etc. etc. etc. I can only imagine you are such a fun Mom already (just knowing your personality), but I'm happy you are making changes to be even more happy! Good luck. Hopefully you can always go back to doing hair when you have "more time"...(if that ever happens : )

Helms Family said...

That is good! A little sad I will have to find somewhere else but totally understand!!! You are so strong and a great mom!! It will all work out and your family will be blessed!!

treehugger said...

Good Luck Emily. We will miss you as our stylist for sure, but I can completely understand.

Cami Jo said...

What an amazing post! I would be a little more upset if you were still doing my hair...but heck, that was pretty good timing, on my behalf! You deserve to have more time with the family. Life can get so crazy so quickly, it's SOOOOOOOOOOO smart to put it in perspective right now, while your kids are still young. Plus....when you decide, maybe when all your kids are in school) you could do hair again, and you already have a salon in your house. I totally understand how you feel, and give you a ton of credit for following the spirit on something so hard. Good for you! Love ya!

Evvie Turley said...

Em, you are doing a great thing! I admire your connection with the spirit and that you are listening! It is wonderful. I know it has to be so hard letting go of something you love, but I don't think you'll regreat it! BTW, this is Evvie. I don't know why my comments show up as "Quinton Turley" maybe because Q has his own blog too-haven't figured out how to change that yet! HA! good luck and don't second guess yourself; you're doing the right thing!