Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kody's birthday

Kody had a great birthday. We sent him on a treasure hunt to find his present like we did Micah. He finally found his own fishing pole in the trunk of the blue car. The other picture is too dark, but I had to put one of him opening his webkinz from his cousins! He LOVES it.
Then we went to Randy's Tumbling and Extreme Fun. The kids had been there before with a friend of mine (Thanks Laurie), but we had never been. So for his birthday we decided to try it out. It was a lot of fun. It is a huge place where you can run, jump, drop, tumble, and climb and not get hurt. Even Micah and I got in on the fun of doing flips into the big foam pieces.

We all had a blast!
Then Grandpa and Grandma C. suprised him on the way home from their trip!

Next, we do a babysitting group where we watch kids on one Saturday night and then have the next two off for a date! We let them make their own pizzas, decorate their own cupcakes, and play, play, play! It was great!
The only major bummer was when Micah noticed that we had a water leak in out "extra" room. The builder came over and after cutting a big hole in the ceiling determined where the leak was. We were thankful they could find it and it wasn't too bad.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Picture Updates

We just went and got the kids' pictures taken again. It is always such an ordeal, so this time I took them all together! It went awesome! My kids LOVE to have thier pictures taken, so it was quick and easy!

All the kids together!
All the "cute" toes! The girls' toes were all painted Pink!
The "birds eye" shot!
Lacey (6 months)
Tyann (3 yrs)
Kody (6 yrs)
Josie (8 yrs)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Really fun...then not so fun!

Yesterday we went up to my friends house to let our kids play and get wet! They had a great time.

After I left, when I was almost home, I realized that I forgot one of the supplies I needed for Activity Days, so I decided to turn around and quickly go get it. Unfortunetly my front right bumper caught the back right corner of another vehicle. It was awful. He got out and was swearing up a storm. He looked really mean and I didn't know what to do! I called my insurance company called and said to get the police there, and then she stayed on the line with me until they arrived. I was thankful, because I was scared to death! Luckily my kids were all buckled and safe. Lacey slept through the whole thing and while I was talking to the officer, Tyann feel asleep to! Major blessing! It would have been awful have two crying/screaming children.

Anyway, I was bummed because I got my very first TICKET and insurance claim. I guess these are the times I'm thankful for insurance. It could have been a lot worse, but what a bummer!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A busy week!

On Monday, Tyann finally got her cast off! She was so excited. Here is a little video of her going in.
Here is the doctor actually taking the cast off. The cast is really gross so if you have a weak stomache don't watch this one.
On Wednesday my Grandpa and Grandma came up to see us and our new home. It was so wonderful to have them here.
Thursday was Micah's birthday. To get his last present from the kids and I, he had to go on a treasure hunt. The treasure was some Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the freezer! It was a lot of fun!

Saturday Micah worked 8 hours of overtime while I took the kids to the 24th celebration at the fairgrounds. It was sooo hot, but we had fun eating snow cones, cotton candy, and hotdogs. The kids insisted on dressing up western because Kody wanted to do the Muttin Bustin. However, the event got cancelled because they couldn't find sheep this year! WHAT???!! He was so dissappointed. The fun part was that Tyann's picture was in the paper today. She was waiting for her snow cone and her little tongue is out. So cute!
Then last night at 5:00 Micah and I got a wild hair and decided to build a big shelf in the garage. We want to utilize the space above so that we can actually park in both sides of our garage! We went and got the supplies, got the kids dinner and bathed them, and we officially started around 7:00. By 11:30 p.m. it was completed! We just sat back and admired our work for a while afterwards. It feels so good to get a little more organized!

THANKS...for the memories!

The previous post was really fun, so thanks to all who left a comment. I also remembered all of those memories and had a good laugh! I value your friendships and feel lucky to have such great family and friends!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memory Tag

I saw this "tag" game on a few of my friends' blogs and thought it sounded like fun.

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Plus, I added a visitor map to my blog and know there are a people reading this that aren't leaving comments, so come clean and let me know who you are!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

For as long as I can ever remember

I have wanted a good lookin, hard workin husband, who has a good job and actually likes it...

Beautiful children...

A nice sized home...

With a yard! (We got grass this week and I was so happy I cried!!!)

I have arrived. I am living my dream. I want to remember these days forever. I feel so blessed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

This will make you smile!

We LOVE our little Lacey! She is so cute!
Sometimes I wish I could just freeze her at this age!
She is wonderful!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A very fun Holiday weekend!

Happy 4th of July!! We started celebrating the holiday the night before with our friends at the lake. They have a boat and the kids loved being pulled on a tube while Micah did some awesome wake boarding!! Thanks for the fun time Caverhill family!!

Here we are watching the parade in our red, white, & blue!

We had a really fun 4th! We hung out with our neighbors and we went to the parade, then bought some fireworks, then we grabbed some lunch and headed to the park where we played, tennis, frisbee golf, races, and just had fun.

Then we came home and everyone (except me) took a nap. It was great. Then we went back over to our neighbors house for a barbeque. We took Dutchoven potatoes and cobbler! YUMMO!! You can't get much better than that. Then fireworks from the City and then we came home and lit our own. How awesome.

The great thing was that we still had Saturday to get things done. Micah worked out in our yard. He leveled all of the dirt in our yard so that maybe, just maybe, we could get some grass this week! HOW EXCITING! He also hung up some curtains that I made while I was at my sister Holly's house. Here they are what do you think?

Micah's holding it up there, because the rod I got wasn't long enough! Thanks for your expertise Hol! I love the fabric, colors, style, ect. I had a blast at you house! We also did some starwberry jam, digital scrapbooking, took our boys to the dinosaur museum,
and did a little shopping at Tai Pan! Good times!
We have also enjoyed going to a few reunions. Our whole family was able to be there and here are the pictures to prove it.
We took the kissing one because my youngest sister got married and now we're all married!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Do you ever feel like you just run out of time to do what you want to do? I have been meaning to blog all week and just haven't had time until now. However, as you can see, it is about 11:00 p.m. and I am too tired to post any pictures. I do have to say though, that I have reconnected with several of my friends from high school through blogging and it is fun to see them and their families. I have been blessed with AWESOME friends!